version 1.1
by Dmitry A. Kazakov
Pattern matching is a powerful tool for syntax analysis. The main idea of pattern matching comes from the SNOBOL4 language (see the wonderful book THE SNOBOL4 PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE by R. E. Griswold, J. F. Poage and I. P. Polonsky). Some of the pattern expression atoms and statements were taken from there. One can find that patterns are very similar to the Backus-Naur forms. Comparing with the regular expressions (used by grep and egrep in UNIX) patterns are more powerful, but slower in matching.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU Public License.
The current version works under Windows and UNIX.
Download (match_1_1.tgz tar + gzip, Windows users may use WinZip)A pattern is a character string. All keywords can be written in both upper and lower cases. A pattern expression consists of atoms bound by unary and binary operators. Spaces and tabs can be used to separate keywords.
Atoms (terms of the expression):
Atoms are terms of the pattern expression. Each atom is a very simple pattern that matches something.
This atom is a substring that matches itself. Such a substring must be put in quotes '' or "". Very often it is necessary to match case independent substring. In this case the substring must be put in <> quotes. The case of letters in <> does not matter. Empty substring is allowed too. It matches empty chain of characters. This atom is assumed to be in any place where a pattern must be on a syntactical reason. Examples of substring atom:
Pattern Matches "ABC" ABC 'ABC' ABC <ABC> ABC, ABc, AbC, Abc, aBC, aBc, abC, abc
The character circumflex (^) in the substring has a special meaning. It converts the following character by inverting bit 6 of its ASCII code. For example, ^@ means NUL, ^M means CR and so on. This allows you to include control characters and quotes in the substring body. The following table shows how circumflex works. Characters from pair columns give each other being specified with the circumflex.
How circumflex works 100/000 @ NUL 120/020 P DLE 140/040 ` SP 160/060 p 0 101/001 A SOH 121/021 Q DC1 141/041 a ! 161/061 q 1 102/002 B STX 122/022 R DC2 142/042 b " 162/062 r 2 103/003 C ETX 123/023 S DC3 143/043 c # 163/063 s 3 104/004 D EOT 124/024 T DC4 144/044 d $ 164/064 t 4 105/005 E ENQ 125/025 U NAK 145/045 e % 165/065 u 5 106/006 F ACK 126/026 V SYN 146/046 f & 166/066 v 6 107/007 G BEL 127/027 W ETB 147/047 g ' 167/067 w 7 110/010 H BS 130/030 X CAN 150/050 h ( 170/070 x 8 111/011 I HT 131/031 Y EM 151/051 i ) 171/071 y 9 112/012 J NL 132/032 Z SUB 152/052 j * 172/072 z : 113/013 K VT 133/033 [ ESC 153/053 k + 173/073 { ; 114/014 L NP 134/034 \ FS 154/054 l , 174/074 | < 115/015 M CR 135/035 ] GS 155/055 m - 175/075 } = 116/016 N SO 136/036 ^ RS 156/056 n . 176/076 ~ > 117/017 O SI 137/037 _ US 157/057 o / 177/077 DEL ?
Circumflex at the end of a literal denotes itself. For instance, '^' specifies character literal containing the single character - circumflex.
The atom matches any character from the given character set. Notation for this atom is a character string put in {} brackets. Order of characters in the string does not affect on the result of matching. Circumflex within the string body works the same way as for substring atom. For example, the pattern {.,;?!} matches one of punctuation marks.
The atom END (END or .) matches the line end. It fails when the rest of the current line is not empty. On success it matches empty chain of bytes.
The atom BREAK (BREAK or _) matches non empty chain of spaces and tabs. It can match empty chain at a keyword boundary. Keyword is assumed to be a chain of letters and digits. Thus BREAK will fail if previous and current characters are letters or digits. This pattern is very useful to separate multiword keywords. For example: the pattern 'key'_ will match key in key(12) and key is, but never in keyword.
Some other atoms are described in the following table:
Atom (notation) | Abbr. | Matches |
ANY | % | Any character |
BLANK | + | Any non empty chain of spaces and tabs |
DIGIT | # | One of characters 0, 1, ..., 9 (see also UserBase) |
UPPER_CASE_LETTER | U | One of A, B, ... , Z |
LOWER_CASE_LETTER | W | One of a, b, ... , z |
LETTER | L | One of A, B, ... , Z, a, b, ... , z |
CHARACTER | C | One digit or letter |
NL | / | Empty chain and skips the line (see) |
FAILURE | F | Nothing and ends matching with failure |
FENCE | : | Empty chain and prevents search for an alternative (see) |
SUCCESS | S | Empty chain and ends matching with success |
A pattern expression is constructed with the aid of atoms and operators. There are three binary operators catenation, alternation and assignment.
There is no special notation for catenation of two patterns. You should just put them in a chain. Concatenated patterns are matched sequentially. The whole matching is successful if and only if each of them is matched. For example:
Pattern Matches ANY LETTER Any character followed by a letter
Alternatives are separated by the alternation operator, denoted as OR, ! or |. For example:
Pattern Matches 'A'|'B'|'C' Either A or B or C
Note, that the order of alternatives is very important. For instance, the pattern 'A'|'AA'|'AAA' will never match AAA because A is a prefix of AAA. The rule is that the pattern which is a prefix of another one must follow it in the alternation list. In our example 'AAA'|'AA'|'A' would be correct. Note also, that in all cases, when the AnyOf atom can be used instead of the alternation, it is preferable, because it is matched faster and the time of matching depends on neither the number of alternated characters nor their order.
Assignment (=) allows one to set the value of a variable to the part of a line (lines) matched by the pattern specified as the right argument of the assignment. This feature is based on interface between the caller and the match processor (see GetVaraibleId, AssignVariable and DeAssignVariable).
Round and square brackets can be used for grouping patterns. Brackets can be nested. They allow us to make more complex expressions.
Pattern Matches ('A'|'B')('C'|'D') Either AC or AD or BC or BD ('A'|'') Either A or empty string ('A'|) Same as above ['A'] Same as above
There are several unary operators. All of them have prefix form, i.e. they must be specified before a pattern. If the pattern is a list of concatenated or alternated patterns it must be put in round braces because priority of any unary operator is greater than one of catenation or alternation, but less than one of assignment.
Sometimes it is necessary to repeat matching of a pattern. There are three kinds of repeaters.
The simplest repeater is finite repeater. To repeat a pattern desired number of times, one should place the number of repetitions before the pattern. For example, 5 DIGIT matches five digits. Note that 5('A'|'B') indeed matches five A or B letters, because finite repeater tries to match all available alternatives.
A more complex case is when it is unknown, how many times a pattern must be repeated. There are two indefinite repeaters * (little repeater) and $ (big repeater).
The little repeater tries to match the repeated pattern as little times as possible. So first time it does not try to match the pattern at all. Then, if a failure occurs while matching of the following pattern expression, the repeater tries to match the pattern. On success the matching process will be continued from the pattern following the repeated pattern. So each time when matching fails, the little repeater makes an attempt to match the repeated pattern one more time. If it is impossible to match the repeated pattern, the little repeater tries to diminish the number of repetitions, so that if the pattern has alternatives the repeater will try to match all of them. And only if the repetition count is zero and it is impossible to match the repeated pattern the little repeater fails. Therefore the expression *P, where P is a pattern may be outlined as (|P)(|P)(|P)... (One may say that matching of an indefinite repeater is led by its right context).
Pattern Matches *LETTER '.' A chain of letters followed by dot
In contrary to the little repeater the big repeater tries to match the repeated pattern as many times as possible. It starts with matching the repeated pattern so many times as possible. Then matching process continues to the rest of pattern expression. If it fails, the big repeater tries to match other alternative of the repeated pattern and then the pattern itself (as many times as possible). Only if it is impossible to find an alternative the repeater diminishes the number of repetitions. Therefore the expression $P, where P is a pattern is an equivalent to (P|)(P|)(P|).... For example, an arbitrary length string of letters can be specified as $LETTER.
All repeaters try to match all possible alternatives before failure. In many cases it is not necessary. Sometimes it is possible to optimize matching process with the aid of the atom FENCE (FENCE or :). In a given list of concatenated patterns FENCE disables any return to unmatched alternatives.
Suppose we want to build a pattern which will match a string containing a substring beginning with A and ending by B. We can write this pattern using little repeater and the atom ANY by the following way *%'A'*%'B'. With the string AAACA this pattern will work as follows:
Step | Unmatched | Actions | ||
1 | AAACA | 1st *% matches empty substring | ||
2 | AAACA | 'A' matches A1 | ||
3 | AACA | 2nd *% matches empty substring | ||
4 | AACA | 'B' fails to match A2 | ||
5 | AACA | 2nd *% matches one character (A2) | ||
6 | ACA | 'B' fails to match A3 | ||
7 | ACA | 2nd *% matches one more character (A3) | ||
8 | CA | 'B' fails to match C4 | ||
9 | CA | 2nd *% matches one more character (C4) | ||
10 | A | 'B' fails to match A5 | ||
11 | A | 2nd *% matches one more character (A5) | ||
12 | 'B' fails to match nothing (end of line) | |||
13 | 2nd *% fails and returns AACA back. 'A' returns A | |||
14 | AAACA | 1st *% matches one character (A1) | ||
15 | AACA | 'A' matches A2 | ||
16 | ACA | 2nd *% matches empty substring | ||
17 | ACA | 'B' fails to match A3 | ||
It is obvious that once *%'B' failed (step 13), there is no necessity to match other samples and the whole matching must fail. So we can optimize the pattern by placing FENCE after the first indefinite repeater *%:'A'*%'B'. This pattern will fail after step 13.
Let us consider another example. One way of matching a chain of hexadecimal letters is $(DIGIT|'A'|'B'|'C'|'D'|'E'):. Here FENCE allows to avoid useless attempts to match A instead of a digit, B instead of A and so on. In this case the alternatives of the repeated pattern do not overlap. Hence, once an alternative fails there is no need to try others.
The pattern *%: is used so often that it was given a special notation - ellipsis (... or ..). Ellipsis are used to match anything till something. For example, pattern 'A'...'B' will match any chain which starts with A and ends by B.
The unary operator NOT (NOT or ^) inverts the result of matching the pattern it precedes. Where the pattern P is successfully matched, ^P pattern fails. Where P fails, ^P successfully matches empty substring. So ^P means empty if not P. Very often doubled NOT is used to test if a pattern matches something doing that without side effects. For example, $LETTER:^^'*' matches a chain of letters if and only if it is followed by *. But * itself remains unmatched.
The statement NOEMPTY (NOEMPTY or ?) does not allow an empty substring to be matched. For example, ?($LETTER:) matches only non-empty words.
Each pattern may have one or more labels. The syntax is label>pattern. A reference to the label works as if all the patterns following the label till an unbalanced bracket () or ]) or the end of the pattern expression, would be placed instead of the reference. Note that ] is just an abbreviation for |) . Let the label Bool was somewhere defined as Bool>'0'|'1']. Then a reference to Bool will work exactly as ['0'|'1'].
Using labels one can build recursive patterns. For instance, we can build a pattern to match a balanced chain of {} braces: balanced>('{'[balanced]'}').
The atom NL (NL or /) is used to leave the current line for the next one. For example, to match an item that occupies several lines. Note the difference between END atom and NL. The atom END just matches the end of a line but does not leave it. While the atom NL leaves the current line even if it is not completely matched. This feature is based on the interface between a user written caller and the match processor (see GetNextLine and GetPreviousLine for more information).
The match processor interface allows one to use user defined patterns as well as embedded ones. The user defined patterns are pre translated patterns which addresses are returned by the GetExternalPattern function, which binds unknown identifiers with user defined patterns.
Let us build a pattern that matches an expression of C language. A C expression is something limited by semicolon, an unbalanced bracket or comma. We should take into account C comments and literals. We will build the pattern by pieces. Let us start from the pattern for string literals:
'"' *('\\' | '\"' | '\'END/ | %): '"'
Note that simply '"'...'"' would be wrong, because in C a string literal may occupy several lines. We should also recognize digraphs \\ and \" as well.
The next pattern is for character literals (we recognize \' literal as a separate case):
"'\''" | "'"..."'"
The pattern for C and C++ comments looks like:
'/*' *(END/|%): '*/' | '//'...END/
The following pattern is not really necessary. It quickly skips spaces, tabs, numbers and identifiers:
Now let us put all these patterns together and add ANY and NL patterns as alternatives to skip special characters and line ends:
BLANK | - spaces and tabs | |
| CHARACTER $CHARACTER | - an identifier or number | |
| "'\''" | "'"..."'" | - a character literal | |
| '"' *('\\' | '\"' | '\'END/ | %): '"' | - a string literal | |
| '/*'*(END/|%): '*/' | '//'...END/ | - a comment | |
| % | - something else | |
| / | - go to the next line |
Let us repeat this pattern using little repeater, mark this as Item and add brackets recognition:
( Item> | - label for self call | |
* | - repeater | |
( BLANK | - spaces and tabs | |
| CHARACTER $CHARACTER | - an identifier or number | |
| '('item')' | - recursive call to itself | |
| '['item']' | - same for square brackets | |
| '{'item'}' | - same for braces | |
| "'\''" | "'"..."'" | - a character literal | |
| '"' *('\\' | '\"' | '\'END/ | %): '"' | - a string literal | |
| '/*' *(END/|%): '*/' | '//'...END/ | - a comment | |
| % | - something else | |
| / | - go to the next line | |
) : | - FENCE for optimization | |
^^{,;)]^=} | - terminator | |
) | ||
The condition of repetition termination is: stop if one of ,;)]} characters appears. Here } is specified using circumflex. Doubled NOT is added to disable matching of the terminating character, because it does not belong to the expression.
The file match.c contains all the mentioned below functions. It is possible to use them from any C/C++ program as well as from any other language that supports C interface. From the C run-time library only memory allocation functions (malloc and etc.) are used in match.c.
The following functions can be used in C/C++ or Ada 9X. They are declared in the match.h header file. In Ada 9X one should use bindings defined in the package Matching (file
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int match | function match |
( | ( |
int Length, | Length : int; |
const char * String, | String : char_array; |
int * Pointer, | Pointer : access int; |
const char * Pattern | Pattern : char_array |
); | ) return StatusCode; |
The function matches the string pointed by the parameter String with the pattern in the internal format pointed by the parameter Pattern . The string may contain any characters including NUL ASCII. The string length is defined by the parameter Length (0..). The string is matched from the character position specified by the parameter Pointer. The parameter is passed by address. It is modified to point to the first unmatched character of the string. The first character has the position 0.
Return (status code defined in match.h) MATCH_SUCCESS Success MATCH_FAILURE Failure of matching MATCH_WRONG_PATTERN_FORMAT Wrong pattern format MATCH_TOO_LONG_STRING String length exceeds 1 Gbyte MATCH_CANNOT_RETURN Cannot return to a previously left string MATCH_NO_DYNAMIC_MEMORY Dynamic memory overflow MATCH_INTERNAL_ERROR Unrecognized internal error
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int patran | function patran |
( | ( |
int Length, | Length : int; |
const char * String, | String : char_array; |
int * Pointer, | Pointer : access int; |
char * Pattern, | Pattern : char_array; |
int Size | Size : access int |
); | ) return StatusCode; |
The function translates the string pointed by the parameter String into the pattern internal format. The string can contain any characters including NUL ASCII. The parameter Length gives the string length (0..). The parameter Pointer specifies the string position where the pattern begins (0..). The parameter is passed by the address. After completion its value will point to the first character of the string following the pattern or the error position if the translation fails. The parameter Pattern points to the memory block where the translated pattern should be stored. The parameter Size specifies the block size in bytes. It is passed by address, and after successful completion will contain the number of actually used bytes. See also patinit and patmaker.
Return (status code defined in match.h) MATCH_SUCCESS Success MATCH_BRACE_ERROR Right brace does not match the left one MATCH_DUPLICATE_LABEL Re-definition of a label MATCH_FAILURE Failure. No pattern found MATCH_MISSING_QUOTATION Missing closing quotation marks MATCH_MISSING_RIGHT_BRACE One or more missing right braces MATCH_NO_DYNAMIC_MEMORY Dynamic memory overflow MATCH_POSSIBLE_INDEFINITE_LOOP Repetition of a pattern that matches null MATCH_TOO_BIG_REPEATER Repetition count is too big MATCH_TOO_LARGE_PATTERN Pattern is too large for provided buffer MATCH_TOO_LARGE_STRING Pattern length exceeds 1 Gbyte MATCH_UNDEFINED_VARIABLE Immediate assignment to unknown variable MATCH_UNRECOGNIZED_CHARACTER Unrecognized character MATCH_UNRECOGNIZED_KEYWORD Unrecognized keyword or undefined label MATCH_RESERVED_KEYWORD Empty or conflicting name of a variable
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const char * patinit | function patinit |
( | ( |
int Length, | Length : int; |
const char * String, | String : char_array; |
int * Pointer | Pointer : int |
); | ) return chars_ptr; |
The function translates the string pointed by the parameter String into the pattern internal format. The string can contain any characters including NUL ASCII. The parameter Length gives the string length (0..). The parameter Pointer specifies the string position where the pattern begins (0..). The parameter is passed by the address. After completion its value will point to the first character of the string following the pattern or the error position if translation fails. To store the translated pattern the function calls the user defined memory allocator AllocatePattern. The pointer to the translated pattern is returned as the result. On any error no pattern is allocated and zero is returned. One can consult MatchError global variable for the error code (same as one returned by patran).
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const char * patmaker | function patmaker |
( | ( |
const char * String | String : char_array |
); | ) return chars_ptr; |
The function works like patinit, but translates a null-terminated string and uses malloc to allocate the translated pattern. Note that the whole string must be translated, otherwise MATCH_UNRECOGNIZED_KEYWORD error code is reported in MatchError.
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void freedm (void); | procedure freedm; |
The function releases all the memory allocated by the match function, which does not release the memory but keeps it allocated between subsequent calls.
In C++ one may use the type pattern that wraps the described above functions (match, patran, patinit, patmaker and freedm). The pattern type is defined in pattern.h file. The match.h is automatically included by the pattern.h.
pattern (const char * String);
The constructor translates its string parameter into the internal pattern format. When an error occurs the created pattern will match nothing. The error code can be obtained from the external variable MatchError.
const char * Pattern () const;
This method returns the pointer to the pattern internal representation. The returned value can be used by the function match.
int operator |=
const char * String,
const pattern& Pattern
The operator |= matches the string specified by the left parameter with the pattern provided by the right parameter. It returns 1 if the pattern matches the whole string or 0, otherwise. The string must be null-terminated.
int operator >>
const char * String,
const pattern& Pattern
The operator >> matches a part of the string specified by the left parameter. Unlike the operator |=, the pattern given by the right parameter, can match a part but the whole string. The actual number of matched bytes is returned as the result. It allows to parse a string using consequential calls to the operator >>. For example:
const pattern Identifier = "LETTER $(CHARACTER|'_'):";
const pattern Blank = "_";
char Line [80]; // Source line
int Index; // Source line position
. . .
Index = 0; // From beginning
Index += &Line [Index] >> Blank; // Skip an identifier
Index += &Line [Index] >> Identifier; // Skip blank field
Since there is a constructor from string, it is possible to use the text constants instead of patterns, like in:
Line [Index] >> "LETTER $(CHARACTER|'_'):"
Though it most cases, it would be a bad idea, because it requires a string to pattern translation each time the expression is calculated.
Both operator |= and operator >> set the variable MatchError (see match completion code).
There are several of global variables defined in match.h. They control the pattern translation and matching processes. All of them require C external linking (C name convention). If the variable is a pointer to a function it is always possible to set it to 0, when the function is not required, and this is the initial setting.
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extern char * UserAlphas; | UserAlphas : chars_ptr; |
This is a NUL terminated string that contains the list of symbols interpreted as valid characters for identifiers of labels and variables. It has no effect on how atoms work. Normally UserAlphas contains 0. It means that only letters and digits are valid. If, for example, UserAlphas would point to _# then both underline and dash characters were valid too. Notice the difference between letters and digits: an identifier name always starts with a letter. The UserAlphas affects pattern translation process only.
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extern int UserBase; | UserBase : int; |
This is an integer number that contains the current base for the atom DIGIT . Normally it is set to 10, so DIGIT means one of the following characters 0123456789. Setting it to, say, 2 causes DIGIT be 0 or 1. The value of UserBase could be greater than 10. For example, setting it to 16 causes DIGIT be one of 123456789abcdefABCDEF. Note, that atoms CHARACTER and BREAK do not depend on the value of UserBase.
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extern int MatchError; | MatchError : constant StatusCode; |
This variable contains the last error code set by match, patran, patinit or patmaker. In Ada 9X bindings StatusCode is defined as a separate type derived from int.
The function pointed by the variable GetNextLine is called by the pattern matching processor to pick up the next line to match (see NL). The parameter Line receives the address of the line. The parameter Length is the pointer to the length of the line (must be >= 0). The function should return 0 if there is no line (end of file equivalent). Other return values mean that Line and Length were correctly set.
The function pointed by the variable GetPreviousLine is called to return back to the previous line. The parameter Line receives the address of the line. The parameter Length is the pointer to the length of the line. The function should return 0 if the previous line cannot be returned. In this case the matching process will be terminated with MATCH_CANNOT_RETURN error. Other return values mean that Line and Length were correctly set.
The function GetExternalPattern is called when the pattern translator discovers an undefined identifier. This identifier is passed to GetExternalPattern as a string. If it returns 0 the translator assumes that there is no such pattern and translation will fail. The parameter Name points to the identifier name. The parameter Length is the length of the name. The function should return the address of the pattern associated with the name or 0.
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extern unsigned long | type GetVariableIdCallBack is access |
(* GetVariableId) | function |
( | ( |
char * Name, | Name : char_array; |
int Length | Length : |
); | ) return VariableID; |
pragma Convention (C, GetVariableIdCallBack); | |
GetVariableId : GetVariableIdCallBack; |
The function pointed by GetVariableId is called when the pattern translator discovers an assignment. The left argument of the assignment is passed to the function. It must return the identifier associated with the variable. The identifier is any non-zero number that will be passed to the AssignVariable and DeAssignVariable while pattern matching. Each variable must have an unique identifier. If 0 is returned, the pattern translation fails with MATCH_UNDEFINED_VARIABLE error code. The parameter Name of the function points to the variable name. The parameter Length is the name length. In Ada 9X bindings the VariableID is defined as a separate type derived from unsigned_long.
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extern void | type AssignVariableCallBack is access |
(* AssignVariable) | procedure |
( | ( |
unsigned long VariableId, | Variable : VariableID; |
unsigned long Offset, | Offset : unsigned_long; |
unsigned long Length | Length : unsigned_long |
); | ); |
pragma Convention (C, AssignVariableCallBack); | |
AssignVariable : AssignVariableCallBack; |
The function pointed by AssignVariable is called each time when a pattern assigned to a variable has been successfully matched. The value of the parameter VariableId is one returned by GetVariableId for the name the pattern is assigned to. The parameters Offset and Length define which part of the string was matched. Note that the string may occupy several lines (see GetNextLine) so Offset indicating the beginning of the matched substring, is counted from the beginning of the first line including all line ends (a line end is counted as one character). The parameter Length is the length of the matched substring counting all line ends (as one character) included in the substring.
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extern void | type DeAssignVariableCallBack is access |
(* DeAssignVariable) | procedure (Variable : VariableID); |
( | pragma Convention (C, DeAssignVariableCallBack); |
unsigned long VariableId | DeAssignVariable : DeAssignVariableCallBack; |
); |
A call to the AssignVariable does not mean that the pattern assigned to the variable has been finally matched. The matching may still fail in the future. In this case the previously assigned value should be discarded. The function pointed by DeAssignVariable is called to discard a value previously assigned by AssignVariable. The value of the parameter VariableId is one returned by GetVariableId and passed to AssignVariable. Note that DeAssignVariable is not called when the matching process is terminated by the FAILURE pattern even if some variables have been assigned.
The function pointed by the variable AllocatePattern is called by patinit to allocate memory for the translated pattern. The parameter Size is the number of required bytes to store the pattern. The function must return a pointer to the allocated memory block or 0 (on error).
The internal pattern format was chosen to make patterns relocatable (one can copy and move patterns). A pattern with no user-defined patterns is portable (has a machine-independent representation). The following table describes the pattern format.
Code | Description |
000 | SUCCESS |
001..127 | A character from substring atom. The atom is specified as a sequence of characters belonging to the substring. If some of characters have the code outside the range 1..127, the pattern translator chooses another substring atom representation is used (see code 205 below). |
128..191 | Finite repeater. The number of repetitions is the code minus 128. So the maximal repetition count available in this form is 63. For finite repeaters greater than 63, the alternative form is used (see code 246 below). |
192 | END |
193 | ANY |
194 | BLANK |
195 | DIGIT |
198 | LETTER |
200 | FAILURE |
201 | BREAK |
202 | Null atom. This atom successfully matches an empty substring. The pattern translator uses this atom instead of the empty substring pattern in rare cases, when its omitting would change matching semantic. Usually empty substring atoms are just ignored. |
203 | NL |
204 | Case independent form of the substring atom. The following byte is treated as the substring length (0..255). The substring body starts from the next byte. Letters are specified in lower case. The pattern translator automatically splits substrings longer than 255 bytes into chains of shorter substring atoms put in round brackets. |
205 | Alternative form of the substring atom. It is used when the substring contains characters with codes out of the range 1..127. The following byte is treated as the substring length (0..255). The substring body starts from the next byte. Letters are specified in lower case. The pattern translator automatically splits substrings longer than 255 bytes into chains of shorter substring atoms put in round brackets. |
206 | AnyOf atom. The following two bytes are interpreted as follows. The first byte gives 5 high order bits of the lowest code of characters specified by the atom. The second byte gives the size (bits) of the bitmap table that follows it. The table contains one bit set for each character specified by the atom. The lowest bit of the first table byte corresponds to the character with the lowest code. |
207..242 | Reserved for future extensions |
243 | Ellipsis |
244 | Assignment. The following four bytes contain the number interpreted as the variable identifier. |
245 | Reference to a label. The following four bytes contain the signed relative offset to the target pattern. The offset is counted in the assumption that the next byte has the offset 0. It has portable format. The less significant bit of the first byte is the offset sign. Other 7 bits are less significant bits of the offset. The next byte contains the next 8 bits of the offset and so on. |
246 | Big finite repeater. The following four bytes contain the repetition count. The format is the same as described above. |
247 | User defined pattern. The following bytes contain the address (char *) of the target pattern. The number of bytes and the address format are machine dependent. |
248 | NOEMPTY |
249 | FENCE |
250 | NOT |
251 | Little infinite repeater |
252 | Big infinite repeater |
253 | Right bracket. The right square bracket is represented as two byte sequence: 254 253. |
254 | Alternation |
255 | Left bracket. No matter round or square. |
The pattern translator always adds one unbalanced right bracket (code 253) at the end of the pattern. So that ('A'|'B') is translated to 255, 65, 254, 66, 253, 253.
The match utility is no more than just an example of pattern usage. It searches the specified files for a text matched by the given pattern.
match pattern filename
match ^ filename
match pattern ^
Circumflex instructs match to get the pattern from the standard input or to send the pattern internal representation to the standard output.
Only additional features are described here (see pattern expression syntax for more detailed information).
Assignment allows you to set a variable value according to matching result. For example, ...line='abc' will print onto standard output the number of the line where abc substring was found. There are several variables that may be assigned. Each of them has four forms of its name. For example,
The difference between immediate and normal assignments is that for the normal one the variable is assigned only after successful matching of the whole pattern. The immediate assignment mark (~) forces the variable to be assigned after each matching of the assigned pattern, even if the matching of the whole pattern fails. Therefore by matching 12345 against $(put&=#):, match will print 5, i.e. the last assigned value. In contrary to this, $(~put&=#): will cause match printing 12345.
The following variables are defined:
line | The number of the line where the text matched by the assigned pattern starts (1..) |
column | The line position where the text starts (1..) |
length | The length of the text |
file | The name of the file the matched text belongs to |
where | The file name + the line number + the column number |
put | The text matched by the pattern |
frame | The whole lines containing the text matched by the pattern |
light | Same as above, but but highlights matched substring, so you can see which part of each line was matched. The VT100 escape sequences are used for highlighting. |
The following additional patterns are defined by match:
c_id | Identifier of C programming language |
c_com | C comment (/* ... */). Multi-line comments are allowed.
For example,
shows all lines containing C comments and highlights their bodies. |
cpp_com | C++ comment. It works like c_com, but understands // as well |
c_str | String literal in C (like "the text"). Multiline literals are allowed |
c_chr | Character literal in C (like '\015') |
c_op | Any sequence of C statements limited by an unbalanced bracket, comma, or semicolon. For example, argument of a function call. This pattern knows about comments, quoted strings and character literals. It is a very sophisticated pattern. You may take a look on the example of its construction. |
cpp_op | Same as above but recognizes C++ comments. |
c_blank | Spaces, tabs, line feeds and C comments |
cpp_blank | Same as above, but for C++ |
It is possible to make a set of your own patterns. When the match meets an unknown pattern name it tries to find an environmental variable with the same name. In case of success it translates the value of the variable. For instance, you can set ADA_COM variable to '--'...END in your environment and then use ADA_COM pattern in any pattern expression.
The pattern matching process starts with the first line of the file.
To see how a pattern looks in internal format, you can call match as follows:
match pattern ^.
For example,
match "('a'|'b')" ^
will produce the following output:
Internal representation for pattern :
0xff, 0x61, 0xfe, 0x62, 0xfd, 0xfd
Let we want to see all calls to and declarations of a C function including the parameters of that calls and declarations. Let the function have name foo. We could do it as follows:
match '...frame=("foo" c_blank "(" *(","|c_op): ")")' *.c
Using a shell you should be careful about non-alpha characters which could be interpreted by the shell as meta symbols.
The internal buffer has a limited size. Although match can match a substring that is longer than the buffer size, match cannot assign it. For example, the pattern ...light=c_com that normally highlights C comments in a file, cannot do that for comments larger than the buffer size. In this case you will be provided with an error message.
The number of simultaneously referred external patters is limited by 16 items.
1. Pattern expression
1.1. Atoms
Substring atom
Atom AnyOf
Atom END
Other atoms
1.2. Binary (infix) operations
1.3. Grouping
1.4. Unary operators
Using FENCE with repeaters
1.5. Special patterns
User defined patterns
1.6. Example
2. Programming with patterns
2.1. Basic functions
2.2. C++ functions and data
Pattern internal representation
Matching methods
2.3. Advanced pattern
programming issues
Internal representation
3. Pattern matching utility
3.1. Pattern expression
Pre-defined patterns
User defined patterns
3.2. Pattern matching process
3.3. Internal pattern
3.4. Example
3.5. Bugs
4. Changes log
5. Table of contents