version 5.0
by Dmitry A. Kazakov
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the
GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
MAX! home automation is a GTK+ application to manage ELV/eQ-3 MAX! cubes. A cube is a gateway to a network of radiator thermostats, shutter contacts etc. The application provides:
ARM | Intel | ||||||||
Download MAX! home automation | Platform: | v7 | 64- | 32bit | |||||
Fedora packages |
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precompiled and packaged using RPM |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
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CentOS packages |
![]() |
precompiled and packaged using RPM |
![]() |
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Debian packages | ![]() |
precompiled and packaged for dpkg |
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![]() |
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Ubuntu packages | ![]() |
precompiled and packaged for dpkg | ![]() |
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![]() |
![]() |
Windows installer | max_home_automation_setup_5_0.exe (dual installer for 32- and 64-bit Windows versions) | ![]() |
Source distribution (any platform) | max_home_automation_5_0.tgz (tar + gzip, Windows users may use WinZip) |
![]() |
See also the changes log.
The application is based on the ELV/eQ-3 cube client protocol stack implementation. The stack is distributed under the GM GPL license and is free to use independently on this application.
When the application starts is scans the local area network (LAN) for connected MAX! cubes. Once a cube is found the radio network topology is shown on the overview pane.
Depending on the LAN configuration it could be impossible to find the cube.
In that case the address of a MAX! cube can be entered manually after pressing
the button . Note the
bar near the cube address. It indicates the amount of 868
MHz radio traffic used
by the cube. The traffic is limited. When the limit is exhausted the cube stops
transmitting commands controlling the thermostats. The limit is reset each hour.
Other participants, e.g. the thermostats, will continue sending their data back
to the cube.
The second column contains the measured temperature. The third column contains the set temperature. The measured temperature is not always known. The rightmost column contains the time stamp of the latest known temperature as reported by the device. For forcing measured temperature reports from the thermostat using see scanning temperatures below.
The device state pictograms indicated right of the battery charge status have the following meaning:
The device is operating properly The device has a link error. The devices in the same room are linked to each other. For example, when a shutter contact is open it turns all radiator thermostats linked to it into the airing mode. When a device has a link error it cannot properly respond to or control other devices. Usually this is a result of some configuration problem. Fixing it may require deleting the device and pairing it again The device is in an error state The device is in an error state and has a link error
When at least one thermostat is selected its operating mode can be changed in the combo box:
Additional parameters like vacation end time and set temperature appear. The
mode is changed by pressing the mode set button
. Note that the cube performs mode change asynchronously. It could take a
considerable time before the thermostat reacts to a mode change. While doing that
the cube continues to report the previous operation mode. When the thermostat
ultimately changes the mode and the cube becomes aware of that, the actual mode
gets reflected on the overview panel.
For the wall mounted thermostat you can additionally set its display to indicate either the measured or set (current scheduled) temperature. Like mode settings the operation is performed asynchronously. There is no indication of the current mode. In order to control the effect you must inspect the corresponding wall thermostat and compare the indicated value with the values on the overview pane.
It is possible to select more than one thermostat in order to set them all. In particular, to select all thermostats of a cube or in a room, click on the corresponding row using the right mouse button:
and choose select thermostats.
If you use some thermostat settings frequently, you can define a shortcut button for the purpose. The shortcut button thermostat settings are kept in the configuration and need not to be same for all thermostats.
The thermostat settings and time schedule is shown when the configure device button
For each week day you can define thermostat temperatures, maximum up to 13 points per day. Each point defines the temperature and the time until the thermostat must keep that temperature. The last point is held to the end of the day. The time resolution is 5 minutes. The temperature resolution is 5 Centigrade.
The day schedule points are automatically sorted according to the time
column. If you have to insert a new point enter it into any unused row. Multiple points
can be copied. The whole week schedule can be taken from another thermostat when
the copy from button
is pressed:
A week thermostat schedule can be written into and read from a file. The file format is portable across supported operating systems.
The trace pane indicated the exchange with the cube and other network parties (e.g. SMTP server):
Tracing can be additionally directed to a file. Buttons clear/stop/start control only tracing into the pane. Tracing into the file, when enabled, continues uninterrupted. When the checkbox append is checked the trace file is appended upon application start. Otherwise, the file is overwritten.
The graphs page contains one pane per room. A room's pane has stacked oscilloscopes one per thermostat indicating the measured room temperature (red), the valve position (yellow) if the thermostat is a radiator thermostat. The gray curve is the set temperature plus thermostat offset, the value used by control the heater. Adding the offset can be disabled on the settings pane.
The temperature scaling is automatic by default. It can be set to fixed on the settings pane.
The monitor pane shows the overview of rooms heating. It has a graph per each room stacked upon each other. If the room has a wall-mounted thermostat then the temperature reported by the thermostat is shown (red and other colors). If there is no wall-mounted thermostats in the room then temperatures of radiator thermostats are shown instead. The averaged position of radiator thermostat valves is shown yellow.
The application deploys a technique forcing radiator thermostats to report measured temperatures. A radiator thermostat installed in the room managed by a wall-mounted thermostat reports the temperature measured by the wall-mounted thermostat instead of its own temperature. When installed in an unmanaged room with no wall-mounted thermostats a radiator thermostat reports its own measured temperature but only when either its valve position is changed or its operating mode is. For such "unmanaged" thermostats the application temporarily alters the thermostat mode from automatic to manual or conversely, when there no recent measured temperature known. As soon as the thermostat refreshes the measured temperature it is switched back to the original mode.
The following parameters on the settings page control this scanning behavior:
The application's setting pane controls the method cubes are discovered and connected.
When a cube is selected rooms, devices and configurations of all its radiator thermostats can be stored into and restored from a file. Use the button shown on the figure below in order to backup the actual configuration:
The items saved are:
In order to restore a stored configuration, select a cube and press the button shown below:
You will be prompted to select the configuration file. Upon successful file selection the restoring configuration pane is shown:
It has two tabs on the right. The tab shown on the figure above is used to
restore the cube topology. The topology describes rooms and devices. The
configuration read from the file is matched against the actual cube topology.
The topology from the file is shown on the pane. There
you see the rooms and devices on the left and the actions required to restore it
on the right. The check boxes allow masking undesired actions. Press the button
order to start restoring the topology. When a device is missing a
pairing dialog will appear in order to add the device.
The dialog will indicate the address, name and the room of the missing device.
The lower tab on the right is used to restore the configuration of the thermostats:
Upon reading the file application tries to match addresses or names of the saved thermostats with the addresses and names of existing thermostats. The match is shown in the column get from. This column contains combo-boxes where another source thermostat or no thermostat can be selected. When no thermostat address is selected in the combo box, the existing thermostat's configuration is preserved. Additionally the items to restore can be selected in the check boxes below.
In order to use devices with a cube they must be paired with it. To start
pairing select a cube in the list and press the button
This will bring the pairing dialog up:
The dialog shows detected devices and the progress bar indicating when the cube will leave the pairing mode. To be found a device must be also in the pairing mode. Usually pairing of a device is activated by pressing a certain button for a few seconds. Please, refer to the device documentation. Multiple devices can be paired at once and brought in the same room. When the cube leaves pairing mode, discovered devices can be either added or discarded. You can also repeat pairing to find other devices in the room. The cube will leave the pairing mode when the progress bar runs full. You can also stop it prematurely by pressing the Stop button.
The names of discovered devices as set in the Name edit field. The room for the devices is selected from the list box at the bottom of the dialog. When it must be a new room, the room name is entered into the Room edit field. Note that an eco switch button is placed outside any rooms.
When found devices are rejected they are deleted from the cube. It is can be a lengthy process that could potentially take several minutes. Eventually the cube will drop these devices and you will be able to pair them again.
In order to delete a device or a room, select it and then press the delete button:
When a room is deleted all devices in the room are deleted as well. Deleting a device does not influence its settings. E.g. the schedule and valve parameters of a thermostat are kept intact.
Deleting a device could take up to several minutes.
During that the deleted devices become orphaned. The cube considers them
paired. Until they are finally disconnected they cannot be paired again. If
there are orphaned devices the symbol and button
is shown.
When pressed it brings up a dialog with the list of orphaned and faulty devices.
Faulty devices from the list can be deleted. The time required to delete a
device can be reduced using the following method. Start pairing pressing
button. Then bring the device
being deleted into the pairing mode:
Wait a few seconds and cancel pairing. Now the device must disappear from the list of orphaned devices.
In order to delete all rooms and all devices of a cube select the cube and then press the button reset:
After this you will have to pair all devices and create all rooms new. Note that the device settings are retained as they are kept outside the cube.
The MAX! home automation understands changes to the cube made by the ELV MAX!
software. If you add, configure, remove devices using ELV MAX! software the
changes will be automatically accommodated by MAX! home automation. The reverse is not true.
Changes made in MAX! home automation may disrupt functioning ELV MAX! software.
If you plan to continue using ELV MAX! software you can make it aware of the
changes by pressing the button
. This will back up the current ELV MAX!
settings and write the ones corresponding to the actual state.
The settings pane used to set up the shortcut buttons is shown below:
Each column corresponds to a button. The button when pressed switches the selected thermostats into the specified modes. The thermostat mode can be one of:
When at least one thermostat in the column is configured, the button corresponding appears on the main pane. The button name can be changed in the row at the bottom of the pane.
The application has an integrated HTTP server than can be used to control the connected cubes. The server is disabled by default. It can be enabled through the settings pane. The HTTP server port can be set to a value different from the standard 80, when it is already used. The server supports the HTTP GET requests described below:
Here <max-home-automation> is the name or IP-address of the server. <address> is the RF address (hexadecimal) of the cube and the device correspondingly. For example, assuming accessing the server at the localhost:
The server response describes the current device status in textual format. Its components depend on the device type. When device address is absent the response lists statuses of all devices controlled by the cube. Individual parts of the status can be queried by the following queries:
This query is analogous to get-status except that it reports the status of a device or of all available devices in the JSON parser format.
This query is analogous to get-status except that it reports the status of a device or of all available devices in the CSV format. The output contains one line for each device. The line has the following fields separated by semicolon, all fields except the last one are numeric:
No. Value Values 1 The device type
Device Value cube 0 radiator thermostat 1 radiator thermostat plus 2 wall thermostat 3 shutter contact 4 eco button 5 unknown 6 2 The device RF address, hexadecimal 000000..FFFFFF 3 The device error 0..1 4 Device initialized 0..1 5 Battery low 0..1 6 Error 0..1 7 Panel locked 0..1 8 Gateway known 0..1 9 Day saving time 0..1 10 Mode
Mode Value automatic 0 manual 1 boost 2 vacation 3 11 Set temperature 12 New temperature 13 Valve position 0..100 14 Actual temperature 0 if not known 15 Open (shutter contact) 0..1 16 Offset (thermostat) 17 Serial number KEQ0828854 18 Device name Thermostat 1 http://<max-home-automation>/get-battery?cube=<address>&device=<address>
This query is responded with the current battery level of a device. The returned value is high or low.
This query is responded with the list of RF addresses of the known cubes separated by spaces.
This query is responded with the list of RF addresses of the known cubes in JSON format.
This query is responded with the current value of the cube's duty cycle in percent. When the value reaches 100% the cube stops using its radio frequency for an hour.
This query is responded with the radio link of a device. The returned value is error or ok.
This query is responded with the current mode of a thermostat. The returned values are automatic, manual, boots, vacation.
This query is responded with the list of rooms per line. For each room the corresponding line of the response contains the list of space separated RF-addresses of the devices in the room, followed by the room ID and name. The room ID is introduced by dash (#), the name is by minus (-). For example:
0B76D4 0CB6E2 #1 - Small room on the left 0B7E19 0C9809 0CB7FF #2 - Bedroom 0B76DA 0C9E44 0CB003 17EE29 #3 - Recreation room 0C8EA2 0CA489 0CB6D6 10A40C #4 - Big room on the right 050F6D 12F4E0 #5 - Bathroom
This query is responded with the list of rooms in JSON format. For each room the response contains the room name, the room ID and the list of RF-addresses of the devices in the room.
This query is responded with the current temperature measured by a wall-mounted thermostat in Centigrade.
This query is responded with the current set temperature of a thermostat in Centigrade.
This query is responded with the device summer time settings. The returned value is yes or no.
This query is responded with the current valve position of a radiator thermostat 0-100%. The value 100% corresponds to the fully opened valve.
This query is responded with the average valve position of radiator thermostats handled by the cube.
This query is responded with the minimum valve position of all radiator thermostats handled by the cube.
This query is responded with the maximum valve position of all radiator thermostats handled by the cube.
For example:
The temperature is specified by the parameter <value>. It can be a relative or absolute value. For example an absolute temperature specification:
Here the thermostat 10A40C is set to keep 18.5 Centigrade until the next time interval, when it returns to the schedule. The following is a example of setting the temperature relative to the current one:
In this example the temperature is incremented by 0.5 Centigrade.
Additionally one of the following keywords can be used for the temperature:
The following request sets airing temperature:
The field device=<address> can be omitted. In this case the command applies to all thermostats, e.g.
Here all thermostats set to the corresponding eco temperature (until the next time slice in the schedule).
For example:
The temperature is specified by the parameter <value>. It can be a relative or absolute value. For example an absolute temperature specification:
Here the thermostat 10A40C is set to keep 18.5 Centigrade. The following is a example of setting the temperature relative to the current one:
In this example the temperature is incremented by 0.5 Centigrade.
For the vacation mode again the temperature can be specified relative or absolute. The vacation end time is given as a number <count> of weeks, days, hours or minutes. For example:
Here the thermostat 10A40C is set to keep 16 Centigrade for two days. After that it will switch back into its previous mode.
The thermostat schedule in the following format (using Bacus-Naur forms):
<week-schedule> ::= <sub-schedule>[,<week-schedule>] <sub-schedule> ::= <days-range>(<day-schedule>) <days-range> ::= <week-day>|<week-day>..<week-day> <week-day> ::= Mo|Tu|We|Th|Fr|Sa|Su <day-schedule> ::= <temperature-point>[,day-schedule>] <temperature-point> ::= <time>=<temperature> <time> ::= <hour>[:<minute>]
Blank characters including LF and CR may appear between the elements. The value of <time> specifies the end time until the given temperature is to be held by the thermostat. The times must be specified in an ascending order. No more than 13 points are allowed per <day-schedule>. Week days and their ranges can appear in any order. They are case-insensitive. All days of the week must be covered. Here is an example of a schedule:,18:30=21.5),Tu..Su(09:00=19.0,10:10=21.0,18:30=19.5)
A cube can be disconnected and reconnected again using these two queries.
This query returns connected or disconnected depending of the cube connection status.
The cube is identified by its 10 characters long serial number, e.g. KEQ0828854.
This request sets the eco temperature.
In this example the eco temperature is set to 16.5 Centigrade.
Apart from the REST API described above, the integrated HTTP server supports custom web pages. A custom web page can be specified on the settings pane as UI HTTP page:
This feature can be used to design a custom user interface, e.g. a dashboard. The path to the file must refer a file that exists during run-time. The file may refer to other files (e.g. jpeg pictures etc) which also must exist in order to show the page properly. These files are not cached and always opened new at each HTTP client request.
There exist a great variety of tools and libraries for designing web-based dashboards. Any of them can be used, provided it would not require a special backend, e.g. a special HTTP server, database etc. Also it might be important to choose a self-contained tool that allows holding locally all files necessary for the page to function. Otherwise the dashboard will not work without internet access. For example, the sample dashboard represented below refers to an external site where the trial version of the widget library is hosted.
The following sample code represents a simple dashboard designed using FusionCharts library:
Here is the source code of the corresponding HTTP page (it deploys JavaScript):
File dashboard.html:
<html> <head> <title>Dashboard sample</title> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var HttpClient = function () { this.get = function (URL, Callback) { var Request = new XMLHttpRequest (); Request.onreadystatechange = function () { if (Request.readyState == 4 && Request.status == 200) { Callback (Request.responseText); } } ("GET", URL, true); Request.send (null); } } var Client = new HttpClient (); var Topology = {}; // The rooms map id->room data var Actions = []; // The queue of actions to perform var Location = 0; // Where to place a new widget function Do_Room (Cube, Room) { if (Topology [Cube] [Room].temperature.source == 0) return; Topology [Cube] [Room].temperature.widget = new FusionCharts ( { type: 'thermometer', renderAt: Topology [Cube] [Room].location, width: 240, height: 310, dataFormat: 'json', dataSource: { "chart": { "caption": Topology [Cube] [Room].name, // "subcaption": "", "lowerLimit": 0, "upperLimit": 30, "decimals": 1, "numberSuffix": "°C", "showhovereffect": 1, "thmFillColor": "#008ee4", "showGaugeBorder": 1, "gaugeBorderColor": "#008ee4", "gaugeBorderThickness": 2, "gaugeBorderAlpha": 30, "gaugeFillColor": "#008ee4", "gaugeFillAlpha": 100, "thmOriginX": 100, "chartBottomMargin": 20, "valueFontColor": "#000000", "showValue": 1, "adjustTM": 1, "ticksOnRight": 0, "tickMarkDistance": 5, "tickValueDistance": 2, "majorTMNumber": 9, "majorTMHeight": 12, "minorTMNumber": 4, "minorTMHeight": 7, "tickValueStep": 2, "valueFontSize": 46, "valueFontBold": 1, "ValuePadding": 35, "valueFontColor": "#808080", "showhovereffect": 1, "theme": "fusion" }, "value": 0, } } ); } function Refresh () { for (var Cube in Topology) { Client.get ( window.location.origin + '/get-status-json?cube=' + Cube, function (Response) { State = JSON.parse (Response); for (var Device in State.devices) { var Address = State.devices [Device].address; for (var Room in Topology [Cube]) { if (Topology [Cube] [Room].temperature.source == Address) { Topology [Cube] [Room].temperature.widget.feedData ( "&value=" + State.devices [Device].temperature ); } } } } ); } } function Pump () { if (Actions.length > 0) { var This = Actions.pop (); This.Function (This.Cube, This.Room, This.Device); return; } for (var Cube in Topology) { for (var Room in Topology [Cube]) { Do_Room (Cube, Room); } } FusionCharts.ready ( function () { for (var Cube in Topology) { for (var Room in Topology [Cube]) { if (Topology [Cube] [Room].temperature.widget != null) { Topology [Cube] [Room].temperature.widget.render (); } } } setInterval (Refresh, 1000); } ); } function On_Device_Status (Response, Cube, Room, Device) { var Status = JSON.parse (Response); if (Status.type == "wall thermostat") { Topology [Cube] [Room].temperature.source = Device; Topology [Cube] [Room].is_wall = true; } else if (Status.type == "radiator thermostat") { if (Topology [Cube] [Room].temperature.source == 0) { Topology [Cube] [Room].temperature.source = Device; } } Pump (); } function On_Rooms_List (Response, Cube) { var Rooms_List = JSON.parse (Response); for (var Room_No = 0; Room_No < Rooms_List.length; Room_No++) { var Room_ID = Rooms_List [Room_No].id; var At = Location; Location++; Topology [Cube] [Room_ID] = { "name": Rooms_List [Room_No].name, "id": Room_ID, "location": At.toString (10), "temperature": { "source": 0, "is_wall": false, "widget": null } }; for ( var Device_No = 0; Device_No < Rooms_List [Room_No].devices.length; Device_No++ ) { var Device = Rooms_List [Room_No].devices [Device_No]; Actions.push ( { "Function": function (Cube, Room, Device) { Client.get ( window.location.origin + '/get-status-json?cube=' + Cube + '&device=' + Device.toString (16), function (Response) { On_Device_Status (Response, Cube, Room, Device); } ); }, "Cube": Cube, "Room": Room_ID, "Device": Device } ); } } Pump (); } function On_Cubes_List (Response) { var Cubes_List = JSON.parse (Response); for (var Cube_No = 0; Cube_No < Cubes_List.length; Cube_No++) { // Query list of rooms var Cube = Cubes_List [Cube_No].toString (16); Topology [Cube] = {}; Actions.push ( { "Function" : function (Cube, Room, Device) { Client.get ( window.location.origin + '/get-rooms-json-list?cube=' + Cube.toString (16), function (Response) { On_Rooms_List (Response, Cube); } ); }, "Cube" : Cube } ); } Pump (); } Client.get (window.location.origin + '/get-cubes-json-list', On_Cubes_List); </script> </head> <body> <table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td><div class='chartCont' id='0'></div></td> <td><div class='chartCont' id='1'></div></td> <td><div class='chartCont' id='2'></div></td> </tr> <tr> <td><div class='chartCont' id='3'></div></td> <td><div class='chartCont' id='4'></div></td> <td><div class='chartCont' id='5'></div></td> </tr> </table> </body> </html> |
The integrated MQTT server allows access and control of the cubes through the Message Queueing Telemetry Transport (MQTT). MQTT is an ISO standard (ISO/IEC PRF 20922) messaging protocol. By default the MQTT server is disabled. It is enabled through the settings pane.
The server publishes data received from the cube as retained topics:
Topic | Contents |
<cube-address>/connection | on, off |
<cube-address>/duty | 0.1 |
<cube-address>/eco button/<device-address>/battery | low, high |
<cube-address>/eco button/<device-address>/error | ok, error |
<cube-address>/eco button/<device-address>/initialized | ok, uninitialized |
<cube-address>/eco button/<device-address>/link | ok, error |
<cube-address>/eco button/<device-address>/panel locked | locked, unlocked |
<cube-address>/radiator thermostat/<device-address>/battery | low, high |
<cube-address>/radiator thermostat/<device-address>/error | ok, error |
<cube-address>/radiator thermostat/<device-address>/initialized | ok, uninitialized |
<cube-address>/radiator thermostat/<device-address>/link | ok, error |
<cube-address>/radiator thermostat/<device-address>/mode | automatic, manual, boost, vacation |
<cube-address>/radiator thermostat/<device-address>/panel locked | locked, unlocked |
<cube-address>/radiator thermostat/<device-address>/set temperature | 19.0 |
<cube-address>/radiator thermostat/<device-address>/temperature | 19.5 |
<cube-address>/radiator thermostat/<device-address>/valve | 30 |
<cube-address>/shutter contact/<device-address>/battery | low, high |
<cube-address>/shutter contact/<device-address>/error | ok, error |
<cube-address>/shutter contact/<device-address>/initialized | ok, uninitialized |
<cube-address>/shutter contact/<device-address>/link | ok, error |
<cube-address>/shutter contact/<device-address>/panel locked | locked, unlocked |
<cube-address>/shutter contact/<device-address>/status | open, close |
<cube-address>/status/<device-address>/json | the device status in JSON format, same as REST API get-status-json |
<cube-address>/thermostat valves/average | 50 |
<cube-address>/thermostat valves/max | 70 |
<cube-address>/thermostat valves/min | 30 |
<cube-address>/wall thermostat/<device-address>/battery | low, high |
<cube-address>/wall thermostat/<device-address>/error | ok, error |
<cube-address>/wall thermostat/<device-address>/initialized | ok, uninitialized |
<cube-address>/wall thermostat/<device-address>/link | ok, error |
<cube-address>/wall thermostat/<device-address>/mode | automatic, manual, boost, vacation |
<cube-address>/wall thermostat/<device-address>/panel locked | locked, unlocked |
<cube-address>/wall thermostat/<device-address>/set temperature | 19.0 |
<cube-address>/wall thermostat/<device-address>/temperature | 19.5 |
Here <cube-address> is the RF address (hexadecimal) of the cube. <device-address> is the RF address of the device. All topics are retained, that means a client may subscribe to them at any time and get the latest values of. The topic .../thermostat valves/average contains the average valve position of all cube's radiator thermostats. The topics .../thermostat valves/min and .../thermostat valves/max are correspondingly the minimum and maximum valve positions among cube's radiator thermostats.
A thermostat can be controlled by publishing special topics on the server. The server does not propagate or retain these topics.
Topic | Contents | |
<cube-address>/set[/<device-address>]/automatic | [[+|-]<temperature>|airing|eco|comfort] | |
<cube-address>/set[/<device-address>]/boost | - | |
<cube-address>/set/<device-address>/eco | <temperature> | |
<cube-address>/set[/<device-address>]/manual | [+|-]<temperature>|airing|eco|comfort | |
<cube-address>/set[/<device-address>]/mode | { | automatic [[+|-]<temperature>|airing|eco|comfort] |
| | boost | |
| | manual {[+|-]<temperature>|airing|eco|comfort} | |
| | vacation {[+|-]<temperature>|airing|eco|comfort} <count>{weeks|days|hours|minutes} | |
} | ||
<cube-address>/set/<device-address>/schedule | The thermostat schedule in the format described above | |
<cube-address>/set[/<device-address>]/vacation | {[+|-]<temperature>|airing|eco|comfort} <count>{weeks|days|hours|minutes} |
Here <cube-address> is the RF address (hexadecimal) of the cube. <device-address> is the RF address of the device, which must be a thermostat. When <device-address> is absent the command applies to all radiator thermostats. <temperature> is the temperature to set. When a sign is used the temperature is relative to the actual set value. <count> is the number of weeks, days, hours, minutes as specified. Additionally one of the following keywords can be used for the temperature:
A cube can be disconnected and reconnecting by publishing special topics on the server. The server does not propagate or retain these topics.
Topic | Contents |
<cube-address>/disconnect | - |
<cube-address>/reconnect | - |
reboot | The cube serial number 10 characters long, e.g. KEQ0821071 |
Here <cube-address> is the RF address (hexadecimal) of the cube.
By default the MAX! home automation MQTT broker rejects client's attempts to publish any topics beyond ones to control the thermostats. This behavior can be changed on the settings pane by allowing MQTT publishing. Further the list of allowed topics can be specified. When the list is empty any topic can be published. Otherwise it contains a comma-separated list of MQTT topic patterns. A topic is published if it matches at least one item from the list.
MQTT publishing can be used together with Python scripting to connect external sensors connected to a MQTT client. The client can publish sensor readings as retained MQTT topics on the MAX! home automation MQTT broker. The Python script can read the published messages (see get_mqtt_message) and use the data for control.
The device data can be stored into a database, for example in order to accumulate long-term statistics. New data are logged only if changed. Repeating values are ignored.
The settings pane has database section allowing database configuration:
ODBC and SQLite are supported interfaces.
ODBC stands for Open Database Connectivity. The database configuration consists of:
The database may be located on a different computer and run under a different OS.
ODBC drivers are provided by the database vendors. Most commonly used databases support ODBC, e.g. Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access, Oracle, Sybase, MySQL, PostgreSQL to name few.
SQLite is a single-file database. All database is stored in the file which is usually located on the local file system. The database file name is all that has to be configured. When the file does not exist, it is automatically created.
The data are stored into the table named datalog. The table has the following columns:
Name | Type | Contents | ||||||||||||||||
time_stamp | String or Timestamp |
address | Integer | The RF-address of the device | ||||||||||||||||
device_type | Integer |
set_temperature | Real | The temperature kept by the thermostat | ||||||||||||||||
new_temperature | Real | The new temperature for the thermostat. It differs from the above if the thermostat is not yet aware of the change | ||||||||||||||||
is_temperature | Real | The actual room temperature | ||||||||||||||||
offset | Real | The temperature offset to add to the set-temperature. The result is used as the target by the thermostat | ||||||||||||||||
valve_position | Integer | 0..100. The value 100 corresponds to a fully open valve | ||||||||||||||||
contact_open | Integer | 0..1. The value 1 means open contact. This column is filled by window shutter contacts | ||||||||||||||||
error | Integer | 0..1. The value 1 means error | ||||||||||||||||
duty | Integer | 0..100. This column is filled by cube | ||||||||||||||||
slots | Integer | The number of free slots. This column is filled by cube | ||||||||||||||||
battery_low | Integer | 0..1 | ||||||||||||||||
panel_locked | Integer | 0..1 | ||||||||||||||||
current_mode |
The table is created automatically if does not exist. For ODBC data types of the columns are selected according to the capacities of the database management system (DBMS). If a column or columns are not defined or do not apply to the value is set to NULL. For example, when data of a shutter contact are stored, the set_temperature is written as NULL.
Simple control tasks can be performed by providing a Python script to be called periodically. The script can access the application through the module elv_max_cube. The module is loaded as shown in the following example:
# Minimal
controller script import elv_max_cube def controller (*args): elv_max_cube.trace ("Hello there!") |
The settings pane has Python script settings:
Here the fields are:
The following methods are provided by the module elv_max_cube:
This method disconnects from the cube specified by the parameter cube which is the RF address of the cube. Note that the operation is asynchronous, the call only initiates disconnection. TypeError is raised when no such cube exists.
This method returns the battery state by the RF address of the cube and the RF address of the device. The result is 'high' or 'low'. TypeError is raised when no device was found or it has no battery. For example the following code lists battery state of a device:
elv_max_cube.trace ("Battery state: " + elv_max_cube.get_battery (0x0BB8F0, 0x0B76DA))
This method returns cube connection status. The parameter cube is the RF address of the cube. The result is one of 'connected', 'disconnected', 'unknown'. The string 'unknown' is returned when cube does not specify a known cube.
This method returns the list of RF addresses, one address for each detected cube. For example the following code lists all cubes:
cubes_list = elv_max_cube.get_cubes_list ()
elv_max_cube.trace ("MAX! cubes detected: " + ", ".join ('{:06X}'.format (cube) for cube in cubes_list))
This method returns the list of RF addresses of the devices managed by the cube and filtered by the type. The parameter cube is the RF address of the cube. When 0 the devices are taken from any cube. device_types is the list of device types to accept. It can contain any of: 'cube', 'radiator thermostat', 'radiator thermostat plus', 'wall thermostat', 'shutter contact', 'eco button'. The following example lists all radiator thermostats managed by the the cube with the address 0BB8F0:
thermostats_list = elv_max_cube.get_devices_list (0x0BB8F0, ['radiator thermostat', 'radiator thermostat plus'])
elv_max_cube.trace ("Thermostats: " + ", ".join ('{:06X}'.format (thermostat) for thermostat in thermostats_list))
This method returns the duty of the cube 0.0..1.0. When the value reaches its maximum the cube stops sending anything and waits for an hour.
This method returns the link state by the RF address of the cube and the RF address of the device. The result is 'error' or 'ok'. TypeError is when no device was found or it has no link state. For example the following code shows link state of a device:
elv_max_cube.trace ("Link state: " + elv_max_cube.get_link (0x0BB8F0, 0x0B76DA))
This method returns the operating mode of the device by the RF address of the cube and the RF address of the device. The result is 'automatic', 'manual', 'boost', 'vacation'. TypeError is raised when no device was found or it has no mode. For example the following code lists the mode of a device:
elv_max_cube.trace ("Mode: " + elv_max_cube.get_mode (0x0BB8F0, 0x0B76DA))
This method returns retained message from the MAX! home automation broker. The parameter topic specifies the message topic. When the topic is invalid or when no message exists TypeError is raised. The following example illustrates getting topic Greeting:
elv_max_cube.trace ("Message: " + elv_max_cube.get_mqtt_message ("Greeting"))
This method returns a dictionary describing parameters of device handled by cube. The dictionary contains the following keys some of which can be absent depending on the device type:
Key | Type | Contents | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
address | long | The RF-address of the device | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
airing temperature | float | The thermostat room airing temperature (Centigrade) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
airing mode delay | string | The duration in the format HH:MM | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
boost duration | string | The duration of the thermostat boost mode in the format HH:MM | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
boost valve position | float | The valve position in the boost mode in the range 0..1. 1 corresponds to a fully open valve | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
comfort temperature | float | The thermostat comfort temperature (Centigrade) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
decalcification time | dictionary | The week day and time to perform the
eco temperature | float | The thermostat eco temperature, when in the 'eco' mode (Centigrade) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
maximum valve position | float | The thermostat maximum valve position in the range 0..1. 1 corresponds to a fully open valve | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
maximum temperature | float | The thermostat maximal temperature (Centigrade) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
minimum temperature | float | The thermostat minimum temperature (Centigrade) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
room | string | The device's room name | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
room id | long | The ID number of the device's room | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
name | string | The device name | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
schedule | dictionary | The thermostat schedule in the automatic
serial no | string | The device serial number | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
temperature offset | float | The thermostat temperature offset (Centigrade) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
type | string |
valve offset | float | The value 1.0 corresponds to a fully open valve |
TypeError occurs when no device was found. The following example illustrates tracing state of the thermostat 0B76DA managed by the the cube with the address 0BB8F0:
elv_max_cube.trace ("Parameters " + str (elv_max_cube.get_parameters (0x0BB8F0, 0x0B76DA)))
This method returns the current set temperature by the RF address of the cube and the RF address of the device. The result is the temperature in Centigrade. The set temperature is used to control the radiator. TypeError is when no device was found or it has no temperature. For example the following code lists the set temperature:
elv_max_cube.trace ("Set temperature: " + str (elv_max_cube.get_set_temperature (0x0BB8F0, 0x0B76DA)))
This method returns a dictionary describing status of device handled by cube. The dictionary contains the following keys some of which can be absent depending on the device type:
Key | Type | Contents | ||||||||
address | long | The RF-address of the device | ||||||||
battery low | True/False | True if battery is low | ||||||||
error | True/False | True if error | ||||||||
initialized | True/False | True if initialized | ||||||||
link error | True/False | True if link error | ||||||||
mode | string |
new temperature | float | The new temperature for the thermostat. It differs from the above if the thermostat is not yet aware of the change | ||||||||
open | True/False | True if shutter contact is open | ||||||||
panel locked | True/False | True if locked | ||||||||
set temperature | float | The temperature kept by the thermostat | ||||||||
summer time | True/False | True if summer time | ||||||||
temperature | float | The actual room temperature, if known | ||||||||
type | string |
valve | float | The value 1.0 corresponds to a fully open valve |
TypeError is when no device was found. The following example illustrates tracing state of the thermostat 0B76DA managed by the the cube with the address 0BB8F0:
elv_max_cube.trace ("Status " + str (elv_max_cube.get_status (0x0BB8F0, 0x0B76DA)))
This method returns the daytime saving mode of device specified by the RF address of the cube and the RF address of the device. True is he result when the summer time is active. TypeError is when no device was found or it has no time mode settings. For example the following code shows the active daytime saving mode:
elv_max_cube.trace ("Summer time: " + str (elv_max_cube.get_summer_time (0x0BB8F0, 0x0B76DA)))
This method returns the current measured temperature by the RF address of the cube and the RF address of the device. The result is the measured temperature in Centigrade. TypeError is when no device was found, it has no temperature or when the temperature is yet unknown. For example the following code lists the measured temperature:
elv_max_cube.trace ("Temperature: " + str (elv_max_cube.get_temperature (0x0BB8F0, 0x0B76DA)))
This method returns the valve position of a thermostat specified by the RF address of the cube and the RF address of the device. The result is in the range 0..1. The value 1 corresponds to a fully open valve. TypeError is when no device was found or it is not a thermostat. For example the following code shows the valve position of a thermostat:
elv_max_cube.trace ("Valve: " + str (elv_max_cube.get_valve (0x0BB8F0, 0x0B76DA)))
This method returns the statistics of the current thermostat valve positions. The parameter cube is the RF address of the cube which thermostats are queried. The result is the dictionary:
Key | Type | Contents |
average | float | The average valve position |
maximum | float | The maximal valve position |
minimum | float | The minimal valve position |
The valve position is in the range 0..1. The value 1 corresponds to a fully open valve. When there is no thermostats corresponding, the returned fields are 0.
elv_max_cube.trace ("Average valve position: " + str (elv_max_cube.get_valve_statistics (0x0BB8F0) ['average']))
elv_max_cube.publish_mqtt_message (topic, message [, policy])
This method publishes topic with the message specified by message the statistics of the current thermostat valve positions. The parameter policy is specifies how to handle the message:
Policy | Description |
Transient | The message is not retained, only active subscriptions get it |
Retained | The message always replaces the retained one |
Updated | Ignored if same as the retained one, otherwise it replaces the old one. This is the default |
Initial | Ignored if already retained |
Ignored | The message is ignored |
The following example illustrates publishing topic Greeting with the message Hi!
elv_max_cube.publish_mqtt_message ("Greeting", "Hi!")
This method is used to reboot a cube. The cube is identified by it 10-characters serial number. There is no return value.
This method reconnects to the cube specified by the parameter cube which is the RF address of the cube. Note that the operation is asynchronous, the call only initiates reconnection. TypeError is raised when no such cube exists.
elv_max_cube.set_mode (mode, cube, device, temperature, disposition, until)
This method sets one or several thermostats into the specified mode. The method takes keyed parameters with the names given in the following table:
Key | Type | Contents | ||||||||||||||
mode | string | The thermostat mode to set:
This parameter is obligatory. If omitted TypeError is raised. |
cube | long | The RF address of the cube of which thermostats must be set. This parameter must be always present. If omitted TypeError is raised. | ||||||||||||||
device thermostat | long | The RF address of the thermostat to set. This parameter is optional. Then absent the mode is set into all thermostats of the cube. The parameter key can be either device or thermostat. | ||||||||||||||
temperature | float | The temperature in Centigrade. This parameter is optional if the temperature is not required or specified by other means. When required but not specified TypeError is raised. The temperature is either absolute or relative to the current temperature as specified by the parameter disposition. | ||||||||||||||
disposition | string | The parameter specifies how to treat the
temperature parameter:
until | float | The duration of the set mode in seconds. This parameter must appear when the mode is vacation. It must be absent for any other mode, otherwise TypeError is raised. |
The method is asynchronous. It only initiates setting the mode, which can take a considerable time or fail when the RF traffic is exhausted. The following example sets all thermostats to hold the eco temperature for one day:
elv_max_cube.set_mode (cube=0x0BB8F0, mode='vacation', disposition='eco', until=3600*24)
This method sends the argument message to the application's trace panel. There is no return value.
Frequently it is necessary to keep certain data from one call to the script to another. When the script returns an object, which can be of any type, then this object is passed to the next call of the script as the single argument. During the first call the argument is set to None. The following example illustrates the concept by incrementing the count each time the script is called:
import elv_max_cube def controller (*args): if args [0] is None: result = 0 else: result = args [0] + 1 elv_max_cube.trace ("Count =" + str (result)) return result |
When the argument args [0] is None, 0 is returned. Otherwise args [0] is incremented and then returned. Naturally, the result can be of any type. E.g. it can be a dictionary or list.
This example illustrates using scripting in connection with MQTT messaging to control a boiler. The following picture illustrates the setup:
Here the components are:
MAX! home automation runs the following script:
import elv_max_cube def controller (*args): if elv_max_cube.get_valve_statistics (0xBB8F0) ["average"] > 0.1: elv_max_cube.publish_mqtt_message ("relay", "on") else: elv_max_cube.publish_mqtt_message ("relay", "off") |
The script takes the valves statistics of the radiator thermostats of the cube. Here BB8F0 is the cube's RF-address. It compares the averaged valve position. If that is bigger that 10% the topic relay is published as on. Otherwise it is published as off.
ESP8266 12EWemos D1
mini relay+ =
Now the Arduino program in C++ for ESP8266:
#include <OneWire.h> #include <ESP8266WiFi.h> #include <PubSubClient.h> const char * WiFi_SSID = "<your WiFi network>"; const char * WiFi_Password = "<your WiFi password>"; const char * MQTT_Server = "<your MAX! home automation IP address>"; const int MQTT_Port = 1883; const int Relay_Pin = D1; OneWire One_Wire_Bus (4); // onewire bus WiFiClient Networking; // WiFi PubSubClient MQTT_Client (Networking); // MQTT void Update_Subscription (char * topic, byte * payload, unsigned int length) { // This is called each time any subscribed topic arrive if (0 == strcmp (topic, "relay")) { // This is the topic "relay" we are interested in if (2 <= length && 'o' == payload [0] && 'n' == payload [1]) { // Turn on Serial.println ("Relay on"); digitalWrite (Relay_Pin, HIGH); } else { // Turn off Serial.println ("Relay off"); digitalWrite (Relay_Pin, LOW); } } } void setup () { // This is called once upon start Serial.begin (9600); // Initiate serial console with 9600 baud Serial.println ("Starting"); pinMode (Relay_Pin, OUTPUT); // Configure relay setup_wifi (); // Setup WIFI // Setup MQTT, but connect later from the main loop MQTT_Client.setServer (MQTT_Server, MQTT_Port); MQTT_Client.setCallback (&Update_Subscription); } void setup_wifi () { delay (10); // We start by connecting to a WiFi network Serial.println (); Serial.print ("Connecting to "); Serial.println (WiFi_SSID); WiFi.begin (WiFi_SSID, WiFi_Password); while (WiFi.status () != WL_CONNECTED) { delay (500); Serial.print ("."); } Serial.println ("Connected, IP address: "); Serial.println (WiFi.localIP ()); } void Reconnect_MQTT () { while (!MQTT_Client.connected ()) { // Loop until we're reconnected Serial.print ("Connecting to MQTT broker ..."); if (MQTT_Client.connect ("ESP8266Client")) { Serial.println ("Connected"); MQTT_Client.subscribe ("relay"); // Subscribe to the topic } else { Serial.print (" failed to connect, rc="); Serial.print (MQTT_Client.state ()); Serial.println (" try again in 5 seconds"); delay (5000); // Wait 5 seconds before retrying } } } void loop () { // Main loop if (!MQTT_Client.connected ()) { // Connect to the MQTT broker Reconnect_MQTT (); } MQTT_Client.loop (); // Pump network I/O } |
The program connects to the MAX! home automation MQTT broker and subscribes to the topic relay. When the payload is on the relay is set to closed, otherwise it is set to open. This is done by the command digitalWrite.
MAX! switch eQ-3 BC-TS-Sw-Pl, shown on the picture below
is a device that can be paired with the cube. No wall thermostat in the same room is required to control the switch.
In the overview the switch appears as a radiator thermostat. It has the schedule just like radiator and wall-mounted thermostats do with the effect that the set temperature controls switching it on and off:
The automatic mode schedule can be used for example for turning plant lights on and off. The same temperatures work in the manual mode too. This can be used for controlling a boiler. The following script illustrates the principle:
import elv_max_cube def controller (*args): if elv_max_cube.get_valve_statistics (0xBB8F0) ["average"] > 0.1: elv_max_cube.set_mode (mode='manual', cube=0xBB8F0, device=0x724EC, temperature=25.0) else: elv_max_cube.set_mode (mode='manual', cube=0xBB8F0, device=0x724EC, temperature=15.0) |
The script looks the average valve positions and if that is greater then 0.1 (10% open) it sets the manual mode temperature to 25.0°C. Otherwise it sets it to15.0°C. The sample code assumes the cube's RF address BB8F0 and the switch's address 724EC.
Another switching device which can be used this way is the MAX! boiler control actuator eQ-3 BC-TS-Sw2-WM:
Simple control tasks can be performed by providing a Julia script to be called periodically. The script can access the application through the module ELV_MAX_Cube. The module is loaded as shown in the following example:
# Minimal
controller script function controller () ELV_MAX_Cube.trace ("Hello there!") end |
The settings pane has Julia script settings:
Here the fields are:
Note that Julia has no means to insulate effects of interpreting code. For this reason it is not possible to reload a script one it was loaded or attempted to load. If it is necessary to modify the script or loading error occurred, the application must be restarted before doing that.
The following methods are provided by the module ELV_MAX_Cube:
This method disconnects from the cube specified by the parameter cube which is the RF address of the cube. Note that the operation is asynchronous, the call only initiates disconnection. Exception is raised when no such cube exists.
This method returns the battery state by the RF address of the cube and the RF address of the device. The result is an enumeration declared as:
@enum Battery_Charge begin
Exception is raised when no device was found or it has no battery. For example the following code lists battery state of a device:
ELV_MAX_Cube.trace(string("Battery state: ",ELV_MAX_Cube.get_battery(0x0BB8F0,0x0B76DA))
This method returns cube connection status. The parameter cube is the RF address of the cube. The result is an enumeration declared as:
@enum Connection_State begin
unknown'is returned when cube does not specify a known cube.
This method returns the list of RF addresses as an array, one address for each detected cube.
This method returns the list of RF addresses of the devices managed by the cube and filtered by the type as an array. The parameter cube is the RF address of the cube. When 0 the devices are taken from any cube. device_types is the list of device types to accept. It has the type Vector{Device_Type} when Device_Type is an enumeration declare as follows:
@enum Device_Type begin
Devices with the types appearing in the list are included in the result. The following example lists all radiator thermostats managed by the the cube with the address 0BB8F0:
ELV_MAX_Cube.get_devices_list(0x0BB8F0,[ELV_MAX_Cube.radiator_thermostat,ELV_MAX_Cube.radiator thermostat_plus])
This method returns the duty of the cube 0.0..1.0. When the value reaches its maximum the cube stops sending anything and waits for an hour.
This method returns the link state by the RF address of the cube and the RF address of the device. The result is an enumeration declared as follows:
@enum Link_State begin
An exception is propagated when no device was found or it has no link state. For example the following code shows link state of a device:
This method returns the operating mode of a device specified by the RF address of the cube and the RF address of the device. The result is an enumeration declared as:
@enum Operating_Mode begin
An exception is propagated when no device was found or it has no mode. For example the following code lists the operating mode:
ELV_MAX_Cube.trace(string("Mode: "),string(ELV_MAX_Cube.get_mode(0x0BB8F0,0x0B76DA)))
This method returns retained message from the MAX! home automation broker. The parameter topic specifies the message topic. When the topic is invalid or when no message exists an exception is raised. The following example illustrates getting topic Greeting:
ELV_MAX_Cube.trace(string("Message: "),ELV_MAX_Cube.get_mqtt_message ("Greeting"))
This method returns a named tuple describing parameters of device handled by cube. The tuple contains the following keys some of which can be absent depending on the device type, its order can differ as well:
Key | Type | Contents | ||||||
address | UInt32 | The RF-address of the device | ||||||
airing_temperature | Float32 | The thermostat room airing temperature (Centigrade) | ||||||
airing_mode_delay | Dates.Time | The duration | ||||||
boost_duration | Dates.Time | The duration of the thermostat boost mode | ||||||
boost_valve_position | Float32 | The valve position in the boost mode in the range 0..1. 1 corresponds to a fully open valve | ||||||
comfort_temperature | Float32 | The thermostat comfort temperature (Centigrade) | ||||||
decalcification_time | Tuple | The week day and time to perform the
procedure. The value is a tuple of two elements:
eco_temperature | Float32 | The thermostat eco temperature, when in the 'eco' mode (Centigrade) | ||||||
maximum_valve_position | Float32 | The thermostat maximum valve position in the range 0..1. 1 corresponds to a fully open valve | ||||||
maximum_temperature | Float32 | The thermostat maximal temperature (Centigrade) | ||||||
minimum_temperature | Float32 | The thermostat minimum temperature (Centigrade) | ||||||
room | AbstractString | The device's room name | ||||||
room_id | UInt8 | The ID number of the device's room | ||||||
name | AbstractString | The device name | ||||||
schedule | NamedTuple | The thermostat schedule in the automatic
mode. It is a named tuple with the keys 'Mo', 'Tu', 'We',
'Th', 'Fr', 'Sa', 'Su'. The values of the tuple
are of the type Vector. The elements of the vector are tuples of two
serial_no | AbstractString | The device serial number | ||||||
temperature_offset | Float32 | The thermostat temperature offset (Centigrade) | ||||||
type | Device_Type | The device type | ||||||
valve_offset | Float32 | The value 1.0 corresponds to a fully open valve |
An exception is propagated when no device was found. The following example illustrates tracing state of the thermostat 0B76DA managed by the the cube with the address 0BB8F0:
ELV_MAX_Cube.trace("Parameters ",string(ELV_MAX_Cube.get_parameters(0x0BB8F0,0x0B76DA)))
This function returns the current set temperature by the RF address of the cube and the RF address of the device. The result is the temperature is Float32 in Centigrade. The set temperature is used to control the radiator. An exception is propagated when no device was found or it has no temperature. For example the following code lists the set temperature:
ELV_MAX_Cube.trace("Set temperature: ",string(ELV_MAX_Cube.get_set_temperature(0x0BB8F0,0x0B76DA)))
This method returns a named tuple describing status of device handled by cube. The tuple contains the following keys some of which as well as the order can be absent depending on the device type:
Key | Type | Contents |
address | UInt32 | The RF-address of the device |
battery low | Bool | True if battery is low |
error | Bool | True if error |
initialized | Bool | True if initialized |
link error | Bool | True if link error |
mode | Operating_Mode | The operating mode of the device |
new temperature | Float32 | The new temperature for the thermostat. It differs from the above if the thermostat is not yet aware of the change |
open | Bool | True if shutter contact is open |
panel locked | Bool | True if locked |
set temperature | Float32 | The temperature kept by the thermostat |
summer time | Bool | True if summer time |
temperature | Float32 | The actual room temperature, if known |
type | Device_Type | The device type |
valve | float | The value 1.0 corresponds to a fully open valve |
An exception is propagated when no device was found. The following example illustrates tracing state of the thermostat 0B76DA managed by the the cube with the address 0BB8F0:
ELV_MAX_Cube.trace("Status ",string(ELV_MAX_Cube.get_status(0x0BB8F0,0x0B76DA)))
This function returns the daytime saving mode of device specified by the RF address of the cube and the RF address of the device as Bool. True is he result when the summer time is active. An exception is propagated when no device was found or it has no time mode settings. For example the following code shows the active daytime saving mode:
ELV_MAX_Cube.trace("Summer time: ",string(ELV_MAX_Cube.get_summer_time(0x0BB8F0,0x0B76DA)))
This method returns the current measured temperature by the RF address of the cube and the RF address of the device. The result is the measured temperature in Centigrade of the type Float32. An exception is propagated when no device was found, it has no temperature or when the temperature is yet unknown. For example the following code lists the measured temperature:
ELV_MAX_Cube.trace("Temperature: ",string(ELV_MAX_Cube.get_temperature(0x0BB8F0,0x0B76DA)))
This method returns the valve position of a thermostat specified by the RF address of the cube and the RF address of the device. The result is in the range 0..1 of the type Float32. The value 1 corresponds to a fully open valve. An exception is propagated when no device was found or it is not a thermostat. For example the following code shows the valve position of a thermostat:
ELV_MAX_Cube.trace("Valve: ",string(ELV_MAX_Cube.get_valve(0x0BB8F0,0x0B76DA)))
This method returns the statistics of the current thermostat valve positions as a named tuple. The parameter cube is the RF address of the cube which thermostats are queried. The result is a tuple described below:
Key | Type | Contents |
average | Float32 | The average valve position in the range 0..1 |
maximum | Float32 | The maximal valve position in the range 0..1 |
minimum | Float32 | The minimal valve position in the range 0..1 |
The valve position is in the range 0..1. The value 1 corresponds to a fully open valve. When there is no thermostats corresponding, the returned fields are 0.
ELV_MAX_Cube.trace ("Average valve position: ",string(ELV_MAX_Cube.get_valve_statistics(0x0BB8F0).Average))
This method publishes topic with the message specified by message the statistics of the current thermostat valve positions. The parameter policy has the following enumeration type:
@enum MQTT_Policy begin
is specifies how to handle the message:
Policy | Description |
transient | The message is not retained, only active subscriptions get it |
retained | The message always replaces the retained one |
updated | Ignored if same as the retained one, otherwise it replaces the old one. This is the default |
initial | Ignored if already retained |
ignored | The message is ignored |
The following example illustrates publishing topic Greeting with the message Hi!
This method is used to reboot a cube. The cube is identified by it 10-characters serial number. There is no return value.
This method reconnects to the cube specified by the parameter cube which is the RF address of the cube. Note that the operation is asynchronous, the call only initiates reconnection. A exception is propagated when no such cube exists.
This method sets one or several thermostats into the specified mode. The method takes keyed parameters with the names given in the following table:
Key | Type | Contents | ||||||||||||||
mode | Operating_Mode | The thermostat mode to set | ||||||||||||||
cube | UInt32 | The RF address of the cube of which thermostats must be set | ||||||||||||||
device | UInt32 | The RF address of the thermostat to set. This parameter is optional. Then absent the mode is set into all thermostats of the cube. The parameter key can be either device or thermostat. | ||||||||||||||
temperature | Float32 | The temperature in Centigrade. This parameter is optional if the temperature is not required or specified by other means. When required but not specified an exception is propagated. The temperature is either absolute or relative to the current temperature as specified by the parameter disposition. | ||||||||||||||
disposition | Temperature_Disposition | The parameter specifies how to treat the
temperature parameter. It has the enumeration type declared as follows:
The meaning of the values is described below:
until | Dates.DateTime | The date and time of the vacation end. This parameter must appear when the mode is vacation. It must be absent for any other mode, otherwise an exception is raised. |
The method is asynchronous. It only initiates setting the mode, which can take a considerable time or fail when the RF traffic is exhausted. The following example sets all thermostats to automatic mode:
This method sends the argument message to the application's trace panel. There is no return value.
In order to run the application headless under Linux use the following command (bash):
>xvfb-run -a max_home_automation
Here Xvfb is X virtual frame buffer, an X11 server that uses memory instead of a physical display. You might need to install it on your system if the package xvfb is not there.
Before running the application headless you might wish to change some settings or monitor how things work in general. You can run it remotely using the PC's X11 local server as the display for the remotely running program.
Linux. Under Linux you use SSH with X11 forwarding. The command line looks like follows:
>ssh -X -v <user>@<host> max_home_automation
Here <user> is the user you want to log in and <host> is the address or name of the machine where you want to run it, e.g. on your headless Raspberry PI. On the other side you must have the SSH daemon running.
Windows. Under Windows you need an X11 server and SSH client. There is a software that combines both: MobaXterm. Under MobaXterm you can configure an SSH session with X11 forwarding.
When you get error 13 permission denied upon HTTP start, that is because you lack permissions to bind the socket to the port 80. Usually only root can use ports with numbers below 1024 while the default HTTP port is 80. You may use another port or else run the software as root.
The settings are kept in the GTK recent manager file named *.xbel. The file location depends on the OS, usually it is where other user specific files are. E.g. under Windows it is C:\Users\<user-name>\AppData\Local\recently-used.xbel. The file has XML format. The file contains data of all GTK applications, not only ones of MAX! home automation.
The settings related to MAX! home automation can be exported into a separate text file using the button at the bottom of the settings pane. The file lines have the format:
It is one line per setting. When the value contains quotation marks ("), they are doubled. The file can also contain comment lines starting with --. Note that defaulted settings are not exported, only ones actually changed from the default value and in effect are. Here is an example of exported the settings file:
----------------------------- Created 2019-12-07 12:00 -----------------------------
-- The file contains settings that are different from the defaults.
cors-headers="X-PINGOTHER, Content-Type"
cors-methods="POST, GET, OPTIONS"
In order to restore previously exported settings MAX! home automation is started with the option --restore specified in the command line:
>max_home_automation --restore=<exported-settings-file>
This will remove all existing settings related to MAX! home automation and put ones from the file instead. This is done before the program starts so that settings have the effect on.
On Debian or Ubuntu ARM target you may have get messages like:
(max_home_automation:1722): dbind-WARNING **: 17:36:59.591: Error retrieving accessibility bus address: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.a11y.Bus was not provided by any .service files
In order to fix these install the package at-spi2-core:
>apt install at-spi2-core
The appearance of the program graphical elements depends on the current GTK theme and styles. This includes texts that appear in the program as labels and tooltips. Such texts are defined as style properties. Some of the icons and pictures are embedded and cannot be changed altering the theme, otherwise an icon of any button is defined in the current theme.
For changing the GTK, please, refer to the official GTK documentation. The default GTK styles can be modified for the given user globally by creating and editing a CSS file. CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. The file is:
Note that these style settings will be shared by all GTK programs.
If file max_home_automation.css exists in the working directory it will be loaded upon start. Additionally to that a custom CSS file can be explicitly loaded using the option --load-css specified in the command line:
>max_home_automation --load-css=<custom-css-file>
When no option --load-css specified the program attempts to load file names max_home_automation.css from the working directory if it exists.
The number of styles is immense. They can be enumerated and exported into a CSS file supplied with current values using the button Export CSS at the bottom of the settings pane. Parts which need to be changed can be moved to one of the CSS files described above.
The following sample illustrates how to use CSS. It changes texts the first two labels of the tabs pane and the icon for the first button:
-MAX_Overview_label-label: "Zusammenfassung";
-MAX_Trace_label-label: "Spur";
-Add_Buttons-icon-id: "gtk-open";
The program uses Simple Components for Ada, GtkAda contributions which are distributed with it. In order to compile it, GtkAda must be installed first. Then with GNAT compiler it can be built using the following command:
>gprbuild -XDevelopment=Release -p -P max_home_automation.gpr
issued in the directory containing the sources. Additionally depending on the target the following scenario variables are set:
For example building on Windows 64-bit:
>gprbuild -XDevelopment=Release
-p -P max_home_automation.gpr
For example building on a Linux 64-bit:
>gprbuild -XDevelopment=Release
-p -P max_home_automation.gpr
Building on an ARM Linux 32-bit:
>gprbuild -XDevelopment=Release
-p -P max_home_automation.gpr
You can also use the max_home_automation.gpr project with the GPS and compile it from there selecting scenarios described above.
The following versions were tested with the compilers:
and the GtkAda versions:
Changes (19 January 2025) to the version 4.9:
Changes (18 December 2023) to the version 4.8:
Changes (30 September 2023) to the version 4.7:
Changes (24 June 2023) to the version 4.6:
Changes (22 April 2023) to the version 4.5:
Changes (5 August 2022) to the version 4.4:
Changes (22 May 2022) to the version 4.3:
Changes (16 April 2022) to the version 4.2:
Changes (16 April 2022) to the version 4.1:
Changes (29 January 2022) to the version 4.0:
Changes (6 November 2021) to the version 3.29:
Changes (13 September 2021) to the version 3.28:
Changes (10 July 2021) to the version 3.27:
Changes (12 June 2021) to the version 3.26:
Changes (2 May 2021) to the version 3.25:
Changes (3 April 2021) to the version 3.24:
Changes (21 February 2021) to the version 3.23:
Changes (14 February 2021) to the version 3.22:
Changes (24 January 2021) to the version 3.21:
Changes (13 January 2021) to the version 3.20:
Changes (13 December 2020) to the version 3.19:
Changes (18 October 2020) to the version 3.18:
Changes (1 September 2020) to the version 3.17:
Changes (2 June 2020) to the version 3.16:
The following versions were tested with the compilers:
and the GtkAda versions:
Changes (7 May 2020) to the version 3.15:
Changes (11 March 2020) to the version 3.14:
Changes (1 March 2020) to the version 3.13:
Changes (31 January 2020) to the version 3.12:
Changes (14 January 2020) to the version 3.11:
Changes (3 January 2020) to the version 3.10:
Changes (10 December 2019) to the version 3.9:
Changes (7 December 2019) to the version 3.8:
Changes (1 December 2019) to the version 3.7:
Changes (24 November 2019) to the version 3.6:
Changes (21 November 2019) to the version 3.5:
Changes (2 November 2019) to the version 3.4:
Changes (7 October 2019) to the version 3.3:
Changes (6 August 2019) to the version 3.2:
Changes (6 August 2019) to the version 3.1:
The following versions were tested with the compilers:
and the GtkAda versions:
Changes (18 May 2019) to the version 3.0:
The following versions were tested with the compilers:
and the GtkAda versions:
Changes (14 May 2019) to the version 2.18:
Changes (11 Jan 2019) to the version 2.17:
Changes (8 Jan 2019) to the version 2.16:
Changes (22 Dec 2018) to the version 2.15:
Changes (11 Dec 2018) to the version 2.14:
Changes (2 Dec 2018) to the version 2.13:
Changes (25 Nov 2018) to the version 2.12:
Changes (18 Nov 2018) to the version 2.11:
Changes (9 Nov 2018) to the version 2.10:
Changes (5 Aug 2018) to the version 2.9:
The following versions were tested with the compilers:
and the GtkAda versions:
Changes (2 June 2018) to the version 2.8:
Changes (4 May 2018) to the version 2.7:
Changes (10 February 2018) to the version 2.6:
Changes (1 February 2018) to the version 2.5:
Changes (28 January 2018) to the version 2.4:
Changes (9 January 2018) to the version 2.3:
Changes (6 January 2018) to the version 2.2:
Changes (26 December 2017) to the version 2.1:
Changes (21 December 2017) to the version 2.0:
Changes (18 December 2017) to the version 1.12:
Changes (26 November 2017) to the version 1.11:
Changes (5 September 2017) to the version 1.10:
Changes (26 July 2017) to the version 1.9:
The following versions were tested with the compilers:
and the GtkAda versions:
Changes (18 April 2017) to the version 1.8:
Changes (22 February 2017) to the version 1.7:
Changes (5 February 2017) to the version 1.6:
Changes (21 November 2016) to the version 1.5:
Changes (25 July 2016) to the version 1.4:
The following versions were tested with the compilers:
and the GtkAda versions:
Changes (31 May 2016) to the version 1.3:
The following versions were tested with the compilers:
and the GtkAda versions:
Changes (13 April 2016) to the version 1.2:
Changes (5 March 2016) to the version 1.1:
Changes (18 October 2015) to the version 1.0:
Version 1.0 released (24 August 2015).